Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Reasons why I love the people on my top 8.

Sandra Nicole Griego.
1. She's very very ditzy, and it makes me feel smart :) Plus I like teaching her things.
2. She has a little kid type of personality. Everything amuses her.
3. I can make her laugh by doing ANYTHING.
4. We have 4 years worth of memories as bestfriends.
5. She smells good :)

Jessika Nicole Montoya
1. She doesn't care at all what people think about her.
2. Her sense of fashion is so eclectic and amazing.
3. She has a beautiful voice AND she can draw.
4. She never ever fails to make me laugh.
5. She's loud and silly, just like me.

Andrew William Bouchard
1. He's kind of my boyfriend.
2. He READS. I love when people actually pick up books.
3. He'll pretty much do whatever it takes to amuse me.
4. He makes me laugh when we watch little kid shows late at night :)
5. He's TALL.

Kyle Anthony Trevino
1. He's probably one of the top 3 funniest people I've EVER met in my life.
2. He gives good hugs.
3. I can talk to him about stuff.
4. He is tech-savvy and helps me with stuff when I'm confused and discombobulated.
5. He keeps plans when he makes them.

Jacqui (Ann, I think) Zebraskiin
1. She's fucking hilarious!
2. She has all this talent, all this stuff I wish I could do, like knit and draw.
3. She's one of the only girls I know who is not stupid and bitchy.
4. She likes doing things that other people find boring, like going to Target and Ikea :)
5. She says things that I don't think she means to sound funny, but still are.

Jill (I'm just realizing I don't know her full name)
1. She's absolutely gorgeous.
2. She's so crafty, and makes the most beautiful bows.
3. She's one of the funniest people ever.
4. She's super protective of Sandra and I and she's like the sister I never had.
5. She's not another stupid girl.

Burke Edward Boydell
1. He knows proper grammar, thank goodness.
2. He always knows how to make me feel better about myself.
3. His eyes are AMAZING.
4. He's so sweet and cares so much about his friends :)
5. He's there to listen.

Shelbz (Her name is just Shelbz, okay?)
1. She's too far away, so when we do talk, it's a rare treat.
2. She's pretty :)
3. She has an awesome dog, Lakota, the Husky.
4. She has a wonderful girlfriend who is also pretty.
5. She's going to buy and send me a webcam!

The end!

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